Thursday, November 10, 2011

Welcome to Tempe Tempest

I hate red tape, and my typical response is to slice through it and continue to my goal. I am not here to rehash the latest story about Kim Kardashian or Snooki.. I don't want to know who bought Michael Jackson's deathbed or where Casey Anthony is hiding out, and the people I know and respect don't either.

I do want to provide a place to showcase the efforts and interests of fellow writers, artists, musicians and street performers, activists and business leaders in Arizona, Ohio and Indiana, and in other states. I hope to create a dialogue between readers of this blog, myself and the featured people and agencies, so that we can all create something that nurtures our mind, body and spirit.

1 comment:

  1. Don't know how you found me on Facebook or how we became friends, but I visited your blogs tonight and love the way you write. I, too, am a writer, and maybe that's how we met virtually. I just read my daughter your bio, knowing she would love it too. How wonderful it is that you and Ginny have each other. Stop by my blog sometime if you like:
