Friday, April 1, 2016

National Poetry Month: Day One: Inspiration

by Jack V Sage
A smiling rainbow,
an empty can of spinach
a dollar store gift box with wiggly eyes
a thank you card
four empty cans of Monster Rehab
a homemade sign of peace
mounted on driftwood,
and draped with hand-hammered steel
bent into a monkey shape, with a green glass belly,
and making space for a dragon head molded from paper clay.

Collectible cars at my right
and a white plastic box with a red lid at my left.
Above them all, a greeting card-size Sculpey mosaic
and a handmade bottle-penguin, two stuffed, rainbow-spotted unicorns
and a makeup mirror with "To thyne own self, be true" in silver nail polish.
A plastic screw-top storage container holds four steel roses
and a pink fedora with black zebra stripes.

Bernie 2016 sticker off to my right,
more Monster cans (yellow Juice and Rehab)
a "Happy Holidays" card from Have a Gay Day,
and a book of pictures of my grandsons, my oldest daughter, and her husband.
(I wish I had something of my youngest daughter as well).
The original license plate from my van
and three hardback books: "Beyond the White House,"
"And Another Thing" and "Echoes of Betrayal."

So what's in your space, near your face?
What sparks your mind?

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